Using Postman to make requests of GET, POST, PUT & DELETE
step 1 -> download postman from Download Postman from
Download Postman | Try Postman for Free
install it and sign in if u have multiple accounts choose any one account
click on create new then
go to the collection tab then click on + to create new collection and give any name and
click on ⚫⚫⚫ then go to add request give a name
step 2-> create an API for using post get delete (I’m using git API )
got your git hub and then setting tab and developer setting then personal access token then — →> generate new token give the name and Select scopes (select ✔✔✔✔✔ all the scopes).
then generate a new token (bottom )
copy token
go to sample ⚫⚫⚫ and then authorization then type ->> bearer token
paste the copied token and then
go the github rest API documentation then end point API then repo .
(direct link -> Endpoints available for GitHub Apps — GitHub Docs)
step 3 -> get request in postman
go to third i.e GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}
copy the
and enter it in the postman
go to get req and then enter the link and under authorzation
select the inherit from parent (token is used in sample collection . its sub collection )
you can see the the repo name from github
step 4-> POST request in postman
copy this under github documentation Create a repository for the authenticated user
then everything is the same as get
change the request to post under subcollection
new repo got created in your github using postman 🥂 then you see the status in postman 201 ->successfully created (401 and 400 bad requests) and it took and size
step 5 -> DELETE using postman
go to git documentation (link ->Repositories — GitHub Docs)
Delete a repository
DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}Shell
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
the repo got deleted refer the documentation for other requests
😁😁 make sure to delete
kee ur your GitHub safe ;-)